Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My First Blog

Hello you have reached
If you are looking for interesting blogs
you have reached Crazy Life Of Alright so i guess we should get started!

About 2 months ago we go ducks for our
farm!One (The Most Little) was born
with a deformed foot!That little pippy
just hops around on ONE FOOT!!!
He is the cutest thing to see! They have a group leader (Chipper) they do whatever
he does!All of them are so nice.You'd
love them!You can pick them up and they may go CRAZY WACKO but they are so

And ten we got a cow (Josie) she goes BONKERS when shes alone,but she is so
sweet!She'd be nice the minute you saw her! She's never rude at all! Shes not
even dehorned ! She's only 7 months old though.

Next comes the Rooster!
He is the nicest rooster ever you can hold him and he would act relaxed.
He goes up to the older chickens and tries to get fancy with them and the older ones go BONKERS,but he does have a girlfriend his age and 3 others to pick from!
But he lays down with them and he watches over the chicks!He's so nice!

Well that's it for now!